Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why I Don’t Take Medication and Choose Holistic Health

There are many reasons I do not reach for a medicine bottle on the first sign of a common cold.  Ever since I was a child all the way until now I was not able to swallow pills.  Many people take every pill and every medication that the doctor prescribes for them because they think that it will cure them, prevent disease, or ease their pain.  I hate taking medicine just as much as the next person.  There are so many dangers of taking medication that makes the temporary relief of discomfort not worth it in the long run. There is no reason for being alarmed because there is hope for the sick. People should treat themselves the natural way.  I choose holistic health methods to treat myself and you should consider it too.
I do not think I will ever get used to swallowing pills because they make me want to gag and they make me feel as if I will choke on them. It is a very unnatural thing to do. Humans have gag reflexes. Some people even have a bone on the roof of their mouth called a torus palatinus that makes it harder for them to swallow pills. A good reason not to swallow pills is because there are a lot of side effects for taking prescribed drugs.  Some side effects may even outweigh the sickness and cause disease later in life.  You never know for sure what you are getting. Drug companies want to make money off of you. Try not to be naive to how advertising propaganda works.  If you think your doctor prescribing a pill for you is enough for you to buy it you may need to reevaluate the people you trust in life.  Not everyone knows what is best for your health and is after your best interests.
Then there is the taste of medicine. I hate medicine. Does not everybody hate taking medicine? The taste of medicine is always horrible. It does not matter what type of flavor it is disguised as whether cherry, grape, or bubble gum. I remember when I was a kid before I knew about holistic healthcare I would take medicine to clear my sinuses.  I would almost always throw it up in the sink. It was out of my control.  I would take it with juice to mask the taste, but still something did not seem right about taking medicine.  I remember one day I had to take some medicine for my ear infection. It tasted chalky and I tried to take it masking it with the taste of cookies.  Let’s just say I could not eat that cookie brand for years because it would remind me of the taste of the medicine and I would gag.  Americans of this era are so used to buying new things to fix every little problem they have and they don’t consider the side effects.
After I realized I did not want to continue taking medication for reasons like I could not swallow pills and I certainly did not like the taste of medicine I wanted to know more as to how to get out of taking it.  Over the years I just stopped taking medicine to treat my colds.  I was fine without it.  One day while I was in school I came down with a bad case of the flu that then turned into pneumonia.  I was sick in bed throughout the most of it but I could not continue to miss school.  I felt like nobody truly understood my pain and on top of that I could not hear out of one of my ears for 2 weeks.  I was terrified about what was happening to me and I thought I was dying.  My mom took me to Urgent Care and they took an x-ray. They gave me some medication that I tried to take in pill form.  It was not working and I did not take the whole thing especially since my mom alerted me about the side effects which I was definitely feeling.  My mother being the smart person that she is decided to research natural alternatives for curing pneumonia.  “Drink fennel tea” one said. “Eat fruits and vegetables” another said.  I was so happy to know that I could cure myself by nothing but nutrition! Needless to say I was nursed back to health with natures perfect treasure…Organic Fruits and Vegetables!
Doctors are not God.  Not every doctor can cure a person and not every doctor knows all the answers. Does even a single doctor on earth know the answers the everything? No. They are humans with educations. The people who taught the doctors had educations taught with books that people wrote.  People think that a doctor is the closest human to God beside a preacher.  People should use nature in its simplest and purest form in order to be closer to it.  If people value fruits and vegetables more and consider that it should be in its simplest and purest form they will start treating nature more kindly.  It is truly rewarding to know that you are using nature in the way that it was intended to be used and not taking anything away from it or destroying it.  

There are no health risks with treating yourself with holistic health methods.  Holistic Health is Heavenly and original.  Holistic Health is God’s gift to mankind.  Just look at the variety of fruits and vegetables that are in the world today.  All of those plants were not created just to look beautiful or taste good.  They were created to help people. In their natural, organic state they are incredible.  In their man-made forms they are the cause of death.  Go back to using original and pure ingredients for food like our ancestors did.  Go back to using nutrition to treat your body. You will feel closer to God and be healthy in the process.

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