"My different colored eyes are my prize." A lot of people think that differences are weird and they are afraid of them. They think that through our differences we somehow are not human because we are not like them. They know they are human but what are we? The more different we are from them the less they accept us. It is a prize possession to be different. If you stand out in a crowd of people or if your mind and personality is different then that is a blessing that should be celebrated and used to your advantage. Do not ever underestimate the power of your differences whether many people accept it or don't. There may be someone out there like you that you can encourage. You can be a positive example. You can be different, powerful, and successful. If your people don't accept you find new people to be around. There is always someone that you must seek out that will accept you. Be patient and boldly step forth to make a difference. Through helping and encouraging others you will help yourself and realize your differences are not so different. Your differences are your prize.